Day 2
Here we are at the end of day 2. We met Liam’s primary care oncologist today, Dr Rob Corbett. We also oriented ourselves with “CHOC” (named after my favourite food of course, actually it stands for Child Hemotology and Oncology Clinc). We get our own room which is equipped with a bed, a foldout bed for parent and of course the main attraction – a playstation 2. Liam is not an inpatient yet, we are still awaiting biopsy results for them to pinpoint exactly what type of a sarcoma it is prior to commencing treatment. We have been given a free day tomorrow so are planning all sorts of touristy things. A trip to Orana Park may be in order and Ronald McDonald house has provided us with a whole range of vouchers for things to do. We were fed by TVNZ tonight which was just delightful. I cannot rave enough about this place!
Wednesday is going to be a big day for Liam, he is going under a general for procedures including a bone marrow aspirate, possibly a further biopsy, lumbar puncture to name a few.
The above photo is of Liam in his new home, happy as can be with lunch and a playstation!