In May of 2006 we lost Matt, Liam's Dad after a courageous battle with a brain tumour, he was 34 years old. In April of 2008 we got the devastating news that 7 year old Liam had an extremely rare form of cancer in his sinus cavity. This blog is where we can update you on Liam's progess with his brave battle. "If children have the ability to ignore all odds and percentages, then maybe we can all learn from them."

Day 2

Filed under: 1 — Rebecca at 1:03 am on Monday, April 21, 2008

Here we are at the end of day 2.  We met Liam’s primary care oncologist today, Dr Rob Corbett.  We also oriented ourselves with “CHOC” (named after my favourite food of course, actually it stands for Child Hemotology and Oncology Clinc).  We get our own room which is equipped with a bed, a foldout bed for parent and of course the main attraction – a playstation 2.  Liam is not an inpatient yet, we are still awaiting biopsy results for them to pinpoint exactly what type of a sarcoma it is prior to commencing treatment.  We have been given a free day tomorrow so are planning all sorts of touristy things.  A trip to Orana Park may be in order and Ronald McDonald house has provided us with a whole range of vouchers for things to do.  We were fed by TVNZ tonight which was just delightful.  I cannot rave enough about this place! 

Wednesday is going to be a big day for Liam, he is going under a general for procedures including a bone marrow aspirate, possibly a further biopsy, lumbar puncture to name a few.

 The above photo is of Liam in his new home, happy as can be with lunch and a playstation!



Day 1

Filed under: 1 — Rebecca at 3:14 am on Sunday, April 20, 2008

Well today all 7 of us (Me, Jasper, and the kids) packed up all our gear into several large suitcases and headed to Wellington Airport. (Thanks to Robyn and Peter for assisting with transport – it was a bit of a mission getting all of us and the luggage in).  We flew in a small Link plane, and were spread out from one end to the other – I was in row 16, Jasper and Liam in row 9 and the girls in rows 2 and 3.  Liam got to hand out the lollies to the passengers and was very diligent only handing them out on the side he was told to and refusing to give his mother any cause I was on the other side!  My Dad met us at the airport after driving from Picton to ensure that we had a car during our stay – Thanks Dad!!

Ronald McDonald house is absolutely fantastic, what a wonderful place to be during this difficult time.  We have a huge room and the facilities are outstanding.  There is a huge courtyard area with playground, TV’s, communal kitchens with all sorts of things.  There are not too many people here at the moment, but more families will be coming in next week.   One of the local churches came in tonight and cooked a BBQ and TVNZ are coming tomorrow night and cooking fish pie and chicken casserole for everyone.  My sister in law Jo and family popped in with a load of groceries for us which was wonderful thank you!

We popped over to Mount Pleasant for dinner with my Aunt, Uncle, Dad and Grandmother, great feed and the couple of glasses of wine (well if you can call chardon a wine) went down a treat.  Although we were a little bit late as we had to go back to the airport to pick up a suitcase which we had left.  Whoops. (Am blaming Jasper for that one)

 We have a big day tomorrow, not sure what the Doctors have in store for Liam, but am sure its not going to be fun.  He is still in good spirits and is enjoying being able to do crazy things with his eyes. 

Thanks for all your support and best wishes, it does make this journey just that much easier to cope with.

Becs, Steve, Liam, Ashleigh, Olivia, Jessica and Amelia (From this point forward known as SROJALA)


Filed under: 1 — Rebecca at 11:11 pm on Friday, April 18, 2008


The story so far

Filed under: 1 — Rebecca at 11:11 pm on Friday, April 18, 2008

On Wednesday the 16th April 2008, we got the devastating news that Liam is suffering from an aggressive malignant tumour located in his sinus cavity.  The tumour is large and very complicated.  It is a huge blow after losing his Dad Matt to a brain tumour two years ago next month.  Liam is in no pain or discomfort and is in good spirits.  We are flying to Christchurch tomorrow to undergo further tests and receive his first round of chemotherapy, once we get there and settled in I will write more.

 Love to all


Liams Journey with love from Becs

Filed under: Updates — Rebecca at 5:42 pm on Thursday, April 17, 2008

Hi there

Welcome to Liam Todd’s update page.

This is a page where Becs will update all her family and friends on Liams progress as he travels this difficult path.

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