We arrived safely into Wellington Airport after a bit of a bumpy ride late last night. We decided to stay in town for the night instead of driving that extra hour to get home to the Kapiti Coast.
We are now home and I am procrastinating around the job of unpacking. Not entirely sure how we managed it but we went 60kgs over weight on the plane – Opps – cost us a pretty penny too I might add. When the plane tilted a bit to the side we thought it might be that our bags had slid to one side of the plane and it was struggling to straighten up!
It was nice to come home to russian fudge in the fridge, and the groceries stacked – Thanks Victoria!!
We discovered this morning that there are people in Scotland also reading this blog so we know that there are lots of thoughts and good vibes coming from around the world –
Japan, Ireland, Afganistan, London, Germany, Australia and now Scotland – how impressive is that! – not to mention from one end of New Zealand to the other.
Liam is doing well, still in good spirits and acting like any other normal 7 year old. I am sending him back to school on Monday, (not sure how impressed he is about that) – the doctor said there was no reason he shouldn’t go. It’s nice to have Ashleigh back with us too, and we can all sleep in our own beds tonight. It really is nice to be home, but it would be alot better if we were through the first portion of the treatment and not still waiting!
Not sure if we will have a lot to report over the next couple of days as we will be taking it pretty easy I think, but will still write just to let you all know we are still around!
Ps. Someone left a pair of really cute Dora the Explorer sneakers here on the Saturday before we left. Anyone want to claim them?