Day 251 – 24th December 2008
Christmas Eve has brought a new little baby into the world. Some very close friends of mine welcomed their beautiful new daughter Isobella this morning at about 7am. Her big sister had been dropped off at my place shortly after 5am, and we took a wee trip down to the local hospital early this morning to meet the new arrival. Both Isobella and Mum were very relaxed and all went smoothly. She is gorgeous and dare I say it she looks just like her Dad. What a special christmas present for them.
Unfortunately the heavens have opened today and I am wondering when Noah and his ark are going to turn up. Although it is very welcome for the about to be drought stricken Hawkes Bay, I would rather a bit of sun down this way! The forecast for tomorrow is a bit of drizzle in the afternoon, but hopefully the weather forecasters are wrong (like they so often are) as the rain may just interupt our very serious badminton tournament that the McGoverins/Battens/Todds/Stevens/Pattersons have taken to having each Christmas day. Funnily enough the kids are not the ones playing! It is usually me and my brother against my sister and her partner. Of course Daniel and I are bound to come up on top again, perhaps we should look into making a bit of a trophy for the winners All in all it should be a good day and we may even break out the sing star, or maybe not!
The kids have been very excited, especially Ashleigh as she was treated to a bit of an internet message from Santa all the way from the north pole. (I had uploaded a photo of her and her name etc onto the site). The look on her face when she saw her photo and name on the good kids list was priceless, I think she is too scared to misbehave now, its fantastic! We will leave out a few snacks and beer for Santa tonight, I may as well make the most of it while I still have one that believes.
It has certainly been quite a year for the Todds and our extended family and friends. I am sure 2009 is going to be my year, I will have all but finished my degree (although I’m not sure I would cope with the culture shock of going back to work – you want me to get out of bed by when?? I think not!), Liam will be coming along in leaps and bounds with every scan coming back clear, all our friends childrens will make great recoveries from their treatments, oh and I will win lotto…
I hope that all of you have a relaxing, fun and special time with your families and friends for Christmas. Thank you for all your support and wonderful comments over the last 8 months or so, it is only because of you all that we manage to get through these little speed humps in our lives. Take care and hopefully I will close down the blog next year as I will have nothing to report!!
Lots of love and best wishes for the coming year.
Becs, Jasper, Olivia, Jessica, Amelia, Liam and Ashleigh (and Coco of course!)
December 24, 2008 @
Becs you have been amazing throughout 2008 and I hope that next year brings you everything you deserve and more. Love to everyone. xxxxx
December 24, 2008 @
Hello Todds!! Wishing you all a wonderful christmas day with all your loved ones and good luck for the badminton tournament Becs!! May 2009 bring only the best for you all, our love and support will always be with you even if the blog is closed down!! Do take care and MERRY CHRISTMAS. Nic xx
December 24, 2008 @
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas… and here’s to a great 2009!
Donna & Stan
December 25, 2008 @
All the best for the festive season. 2009 is not far away every goog wish for the new year. I admire the way you value every moment …..
December 26, 2008 @
Merry Xmas to you all, I have sent a txt but thought I would do a final 2008 Festive message.
Don’t we all like BOXING Day!! should be called Chill day, just experienced the sales for the first time well worth it if you have the energy and are in the mood!!now I know lwhat the rave is about alot of bargins to be had out there but no doubt there will be more.
Lisa headed off this am for Gisborne via Taupo for the famous R&V rthymn and Vines concert.,they are bound to have a ball again.
Happy Holidays to you all,Can’t wait to hit the beach ourselves.
Take Care,
Bridget, Phill, Lisa,Michelle & Jessica Tara