Day 213
I attended Kyah’s funeral in Johnsonville today. It was a beautiful service but as it was always going to be a tough one to get through. Shanell and Jason chose some lovely music, including Sarah McLaughlan (both Penny and I had her music at the boys funerals) and somewhere over the rainbow. They had a gorgeous collection of photographs showing Kyah throughout the stages of her life and the celebrant read a moving tribute written by Shanell and Jason and her big brother Kaleb read out a poem he had penned himself. There was no shortage of tears flowing but the support and unconditional love Jasons dad Graham spoke about was obvious.
Ashleigh is at “sibs” camp this weekend up at el Rancho. It is a camp for the siblings of cancer sufferers and is from Friday night until Sunday. They have got a fun filled weekend planned with all sorts of activities including mud slides, archery (god forbid!) and horseriding. She has been so excited about it, counting down the days and is so far having a brilliant time. Lights out is at 10pm each night so good luck to them all!!
Liam and I are attending the Kapanui School Gala tomorrow, we will be making ice creams and spiders and somewhere in amongst all the things to do I am going to attempt to squeeze in a helicopter ride, will have to see.
November 21, 2008 @
Becs I am so pleased you went to Kyah’s funeral today – I wish I could of been there, just keeping in touch with Shanell and Jason’s journey since you put us onto her…… gosh I feel as if I knew Kyah – just amazing. Such a tragic cruel world sometimes….
Sounds like Ashleigh will be having a blast and she will want to come home for a rest!! Hope you guys are all well. Nic x