In May of 2006 we lost Matt, Liam's Dad after a courageous battle with a brain tumour, he was 34 years old. In April of 2008 we got the devastating news that 7 year old Liam had an extremely rare form of cancer in his sinus cavity. This blog is where we can update you on Liam's progess with his brave battle. "If children have the ability to ignore all odds and percentages, then maybe we can all learn from them."

Day 99

Filed under: 1 — Rebecca at 6:22 pm on Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The day got off to a very inauspicious start, with this storm we have been having the winds picked up my wheelibin and threw it against the lounge window, smashing the window!  I got a hell of a fright as I was sitting at the table studying and the dog took off up the hallway and hid under the bed – fat lot of use she is!  I then raced around to find something to cover it up with and thankfully the glass people came out about an hour later and fixed it up for me.

I then picked up Liam and headed out to Hutt Hospital – leaving an extra bit of time in case the weather was causing traffic hassles.  We saw David Hamilton the clinical oncologist who basically advised us that because Liam’s type of tumour is very rare, there is no right treatment plan.  We are now looking at localised radiotherapy as the first treatment which comes with some difficult side effects.  There are a couple of options I need to look at and think about and I have a bit of reading to do, but I am happy to wait for a definitive answer from Baltimore, and failing a definitive answer, maybe a little bit more information before I make any decisions.  It is however generally believed at this stage that it is a low grade malignant myepithilial carcinoma. 

Liam is still feeling great and moaning about being back at school, but he can stay there for a while!

Hope all is well with everyone and the storm is not effecting those in New Zealand too much!


1 Comment


bridgetbazalo   Bridget Bazalo

August 3, 2008 @   

Hi Rebecca Liam and Ashleigh.
Hope you enjoyed the day out for you!!tell Liam Phill had a hospital procedure on Tuesday it has taken him a while to recover,if you want a cuppa would be nice to see you,my Girlfriend has just become a Nana so I’m up your way a bit lately as Jessica Tara adores babies!!
Take Care,
Have a good week.
Regards Bridget Phill & Girls

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