Day 57 – Day surgery
We arose obscenely early this morning to be at the hospital at 7.15. Liam had a late night as he was a bit anxious, and has certainly had enough of the surgeries.
He was in theatre by 8.30 and after the bit he likes the least – the gas – he was out into recovery by 9.30. He was pretty sore but was transferred back to the childrens ward shortly after. Once they got him some more pain relief he settled down to wait for lunch. The surgery went well and he is now sporting a few more stitches holding his eyelid up but no more swelling, and we were allowed to leave about 2.30. We are back to the hospital on Friday for them to check it all out.
Must admit we are very tired and would like this journey to end soon!
Becs, Liam and Ashleigh
Nic, John & Steven
June 18, 2008 @
You guys are all doing amazingly well – especially you Liam. May your journey be a short one from here! We are all thinking of you – take care and get plenty of rest. xx
The Stones
June 18, 2008 @
Keep staying strong you guys! It won’t be long and it will all be behind you. Make sure you rest up and relax when you can. We are all proud of how you are handling what is going on. Take care and ask for help! The Stones
Hilary adnd Mike
June 19, 2008 @
Thanks for the blog Becs, it is great to read and follow your days. Sorry we can’t be useful over here in Bangkok. Pleased the surgery went well. Good on ya Liam, Becs and co for doing so much and not letting this slow you down!
Tusha, Iain, Max and Giana
June 19, 2008 @
Hi Becs. Glad to hear the surgery went well. You are all amazing – and Becs you are travelling a hard road but I am sure you will get there. You have soo much support and positive wishes going with you on the journey.
Love the Saunders-Penny Whanau
Bridget Bazalo
June 25, 2008 @
Hi Becs,
I just wanted say we are thinking of you and so good to hear Liam’s wonderful strong recovery all heading in the right direction.
Take care Bridget, Phill, Lisa, Michelle & Jessica Bazalo