Day 39 – The Operation
The day finally arived and we got up at 5am to get to the hospital by 6.15. Liam was great although not to keen on getting out of bed – as if we were either!
He went into surgery at about 8am surrounded by some of the best surgeons in the country. He was wrapped up in his quilt which in his words “is like having Daddy with his arms wrapped around me”. We have had an update at about 11.30 to say the tumour is all out and they were beginning the reconstruction. All is going well so far. Steve and I are about to head back out to the Hutt, so will update again when I have a chance.
Becs x
Liam has come through the operation really well. The surgery took 8 hours which was a lot less time than they expected. He has been transferred to ICU where he is under a mild sedation and will remain that way for the evening and most of the morning tomorrow, although he turned his head towards me when he heard my voice. He has lots of tubes and monitors, and has a feeding tube in his nose and a tube in his mouth to help him breath. We were allowed in with him after they got him settled so have been sitting with him for a while, but he is about to get a chest xray, so we are back out in the family room.
The surgeon was very happy with the way things went, they took out a few lymph nodes which looked a bit suss but they have all come back clear. They gave me his incisor tooth in a container so he could give it to the tooth fairy, but of course you need to believe to receive! He has kept his one front tooth but the rest have gone. They did the surgery through a small incision in his eyelid and through his mouth so he has minimal scaring on his face. He has a wee tube in his tear pocket as that was infected with tumour and that will stay there for a few months and then be removed – probably about the same time as they do the construction of his jaw for his teeth I would imagine.
He is pretty swollen and it is difficult to see him like this, but he is wrapped up in his quilt and we are doing okay.
Thanks for your wishes and messages, we are now looking forward to getting into the childrens ward and out of ICU.
Becs and Jasper
May 28, 2008 @
May 28, 2008 @
Thinking of you all today,
With much love and prayers, Cobb and co.
May 28, 2008 @
You rock Liam!! What an amazing wee man you are. We are all so proud of you, your amazing courage and strength. You have so very many people thinking of you and your family right now – so much luv, support and happy thoughts. Keep it up! xx
May 28, 2008 @
Hay you guys we are thinking of you all keep strong and see you on the otherside when you are all home again.
May 28, 2008 @
Hey guys
Been thinking and praying for you all, take care.
May 28, 2008 @
I am so pleased it went well. Been thinking of you all. Liam, you’re an absolute fighter. Keep it up!!
Thoughts and prayers as always.
May 28, 2008 @
Thinking of you all, you are all an inspiration.
Jenny, Mark, Daniel & Harry Bramwell
May 28, 2008 @
Becs and Jasper
We have been thinking about you guys all day. Great to hear that it all went well. Becs – from one mother to another – you are soo incredible. Wishing the speediest recovery ever. Take Care XXXXXXXXXX
May 28, 2008 @
We have been thinking of you all day, Thanks for txt Steve, relief to know all went well, Be Strong.
Take Care. The Bazalo Family
May 28, 2008 @
Great to hear everything went well today, we have been thinking of you all, take care, luv The Meek Family
May 28, 2008 @
Hi guys,
You have been very much in our thoughts over the last few weeks, and very much so today. Pleased to hear things have gone well. Liam, you are one TOUGH little man. Shame the hurricanes didn’t have uour strenth and resilience last Saturday!!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and much love.
Gabe and Gerard
May 28, 2008 @
Hi everyone
That all sounds good. Way to go liam! We love you quilt it looks awesum weldone aunty Vic what a great thing for the family to have!!
Thinking of you all
love and hugs
T & S
May 28, 2008 @
Thanks for the great update Becs, really relieved to hear the op went well and that you are in recovery mode now Liam – I am thinking of you all constantly. All my love, Aunty Sarah xx
May 28, 2008 @
Wow, it’s great to hear such fabulous news! I bet you’re all relieved that today is over and done with, and you can now look forward to a speedy recovery. Becky, this blog is amazing, and your courage, determination and sense of humour are an inspiration. It’s easy to see where Liam gets his courage (and yeah yeah, his looks and his brains!) Keep up the good work – our thoughts are with you all.
May 28, 2008 @
We are so proud of you all. Lots of love.
May 28, 2008 @
We are so pleased today went well, what a trouper. Great news, we are thinking of you, Char & Ab
May 28, 2008 @
Great news. There have been many people all over the country today thinking of Liam and sending love your way.
May 28, 2008 @
Fantastic news! We are all so happy for you getting through such an increadibly tough day. You are all amazing. Liam – boy are you gonna have some cool stories to tell one day not too far away!
Lots of love,
Sarah, Pat, Hamish & Lucy xxxxxxxxxx
May 28, 2008 @
hello everyone
Really good to read the updates and hear the Op went well. Was thinking of you today Liam, you are one heck of a trouper! hang in there and heres wishing you a fast recovery!
take care
love Pip Bignall
ps I caught up with your Aunty Sarah on the weekend which was pretty cool!
May 28, 2008 @
Dear Liam
You are the bravest boy i know – which is not surprising given your parents – i think you should make sure the tooth fairy brings a very BIG payout!
Becs & Jasper – have been thinking of you all today – glad to hear the op has gone ok – all the best for the recovery process – thanks for keeping us here all over the world updated with your news – Kia Kaha
May 28, 2008 @
Liam Bec and Steve, been with you all day in spirit, and loads of prayers, Liam you have people all over the world praying for you, you will be better in no time. We love you soo much and feel so proud of how brave and strong you are. Steve, thanks so much for being there with Becs and Liam it is a great comfort to us to know they have you there. So pleased the op went well what amazing doctors!! we will be thinking of you constantly Liam and praying for a great recovery. xxxxnana and papa.
May 29, 2008 @
Liam, be strong young fella, Becs, thinking about you. Love Stoney
May 29, 2008 @
Liam, great news to here the op went smoothly, sorry for having not written you earlier, have been talking to mum a lot and she keeps me updated.
Your bravery is an inspiration to us all, …not that i would expect anything less! You’re from good stock my friend!
Have a big photo of your Dad, Uncle Joseph, myself and you (in a very smart looking hurricanes jersey) up on my wall and you are always in my thoughts.
Hope you didnt take the ‘canes’ semi final loss in the weekend too hard! I heard you got given a Crusaders jersey….hope there is no confusing loyalties!! hehe
Wishing you a speedy recovery, wont be long before you are over here in Spain drinking sangria with me and watching the bullfights!
loads of love
May 29, 2008 @
Hi liam and Becs. Glad to heat that it all went so well. Thanks for the txt Stephen. I have had people from all over NZ thinking of Liam today. You will be so pleased to hve this behind you, and now you can focus on the future. I hope youi managed to get some rest after a greulling day! Love Robyn & Peter x x x x x
May 29, 2008 @
Hi Becs
Thinking of you all yesterday pleased to hear it went well. Liam you are such a tough wee man. Take care all the best for your recovery.
May 29, 2008 @
Sorry forgot to change the name at the top when entered the blog so above message is from Bridget
May 29, 2008 @
Becs, Liam & Family,
So pleased to hear the Op went to plan….we are thinking of you all and sending lots of love and prayers your way. Keep your heads up, you are doing so very well,
All our love
Ces, Pete, Ollie & Gracie
May 29, 2008 @
Dear Liam & Snoopy (Ashleigh)
I’m at Aunty Sarah’s for a spaghetti dinner and have read all the news on your blog. Hope your feeling strong again soon Liam and get back on the road to becoming an All Black! Look after yourselves and perhaps we will see you next year, but I will be in touch before then, love you both
May 29, 2008 @
Much love to you, speedy recovery hugs for Liam.
Emm, xxx
May 29, 2008 @
what an awesome gift Aunty Vicki,Speedie recovery Liam xxx
May 29, 2008 @
You must be glad that yesterday is behind you all with good positive vibes for the future. (I know I have been unable to think of little else, in common with lots of other people)May every day be
great from now on. Speedy recovery Liam …the Hurricanes need you fit and yelling them on for next year. You could just be the magic ingredient they need
Gemmill family in cold Wairarapa.
May 29, 2008 @
Just checking up on you guys. Great to hear all went well-our thoughts are with you. Let us know if we can come to visit and we will pop over to say hi. Take care!!!
May 29, 2008 @
Hey Bec’s & Family,
Love to you all we are thinking of you heaps!!
Best Wishes for the days to come.
Love Nicole, Andy, Seth and Enzo
May 29, 2008 @
Hi Liam. Sending a big hug via Mum and one from Ashleigh and a big smooch from Coco! Can’t wait to see you. Lots of love from Grandma
May 29, 2008 @
Thinking of you and your family and sending love your way. Liam is so brave and so is his mom (mum). Great news on the surgery going so well. Thanks for the updates along the way. Love, Bridget and Family
May 29, 2008 @
Been thinking of you all – so glad to hear the operation went well. Here’s wishing a great recovery.
Donna & Stan Hooper