Have just had a phone call from Dr Rob Corbett who is the paediatric oncologist we were seeing in Christchurch. The preliminary results from Australia have come back showing the tumour as being what is known as a myoepithelioma. This means that the tumour has originated from the salivary glands. It is extremely rare in adults and even rarer in children.
The treatment is therefore removal. On the aggressive side of things the pathologist believes at this stage that it is at the lower end, and reasonably slow growing, which is good news.
We will be staying in Wellington and he will be treated with surgery at Lower Hutt hospital. We will now wait for the formal results to come in and then the phone call from the surgeons in Lower Hutt.
It is nice to have a diagnosis finally, and we will look forward to when we can say “remember when”.
May 5, 2008 @
Hi Becs and team! Well finally some results you can work with – fantastic that it is slow growing. Keep strong and stay in touch, it is awesome having contact thru the blog! Hope Liam’s first day back at school went well – bet he has heaps to share!! Thinking of you all daily and often. Take care and be good. Nic xx
May 5, 2008 @
Great News! Big Hugs to you all! Hope the next gathering of beads happens quickly for you Liam so your school mates don’t miss you too much!
Take care XXX Kerry