Day 15
After settling back in on Friday it was very nice to sleep in our own beds again. We wandered down to Waikanae park early Saturday morning so that Liam could watch his team play rugby. He is still very gutted that he can’t play this season but understands why, and hopefully there won’t be too much to stop him playing in the future.
We have tried to take it pretty easy over the weekend, Helen and Gerard helped us out by delivering a few loads of firewood which Jasper had split a few weeks ago and we all stacked it out the back. It is certainly freezing up here, but looking at the weather on the rugby on Friday night it looks freezing down in CHCH too!
Kids are off to school tomorrow thank goodness, I think they are both looking foward to it, not sure how long Liam will be there, but even a couple of days will be good for him (and for my sanity of course)
Apart from spending a fortune on new winter clothes for the kids today we haven’t done much else. Hopefully I should have some news to report tomorrow and if not then hopefully on Tuesday.
Take care
May 4, 2008 @
Hi Becs
Hope that you manage to rest a little while the kids are at school. Keep strong and we hope that the silver lining is not far away.
Take Care
the Saunders-Penny Whanau.
May 4, 2008 @
Hi guys
What a great idea to do this blog. You guys are doing so well and can’t wait to see you at school tomorrow Liam. Wonder if you will wear your Crusaders shirt! Thinking of you and we are here if you need anything at all.
Take care love from the Collins family.
May 4, 2008 @
Hi Becs
Just got hold of this blog, what a fantastic job you are doing.
Just wanted to let you know our thoughts and prayers are with you all. Stay strong.
Melissa Samantha & Ricky xxx
May 4, 2008 @
Becs and Family…
Have been checking your blog every day and keeping track of the journey. Our thoughts are with you – and continue to send you lots of warm fuzzies.
Love from the Brodericks.
May 5, 2008 @
Hey Becs,
Bet its nice to be home and to have some sort of normality for a bit. If you wanted to have a wee giggle, I could tell you that last Monday I stuck my fingers in the rotating lawn mower blades! Ouch yep that hurt, they sewed my finger back on but its still pretty dodgy. Off work for god knows how long and not enjoying being a one handed invalid….but nothing like reading your news every day to give me a bit of perspective.
Stay strong, you are doing so well.
May 5, 2008 @
Hi Becs
Just reading Pen’s email re the charity match and read about Liam. It has saddened us to think that your family is having to undertake another trying journey in such a short time. Our thoughts are with you, Jasper, Liam and Ashleigh and look forward to reading some good news about Liam on your blog in the not too distant future.
Kia Kaha
Donna and Stan Hooper